Vacation will be over in 2 days and it will be back to the CommCenter. I'm not ready to go back to work. This has been one of the best vacations I can remember. The roadtrip to Idaho for Kevin and Kim's wedding was absolutely fantastic. Yellowstone & Glacier National Parks along with the National Bison Refuge were more than I could have anticipated. Our time in Missoula was very entertaining. The week back here at the cabin has been equally fulfilling, getting chores done but also just enjoying just being here.
Also spent a lot of quality time with family which means more to me as I get older. We had a terrific time with Rick & Pam while in Idaho. A lot of laughing, talking & just enjoying each other. Our time with Matthew and Melody was fun too. Again, laughing, talking and generally getting to know Mel better. I find myself liking her more and more. A nice addition to the family. And of course our time with Jessi was the best of all. She is turning out to be quite the young lady and someone I enjoy spending time with.
Now it is time to get back to "normal", whatever that means. Thanksgiving is just around the bend and perhaps we can manage to have a proper family get-together. That would be very cool.