Monday, December 27, 2010

Life After Christmas

Another Christmas has come and gone and the earth continues its seemingly perpetual spin on its slightly tilted axis. This Christmas was different for us in one significant way. We did a lot of our shopping online and thus avoiding the mall crawl. Personally I only went into one store to purchase gifts and that was on Christmas Eve and while you may think me mad, I assure you I came out of the experience unscathed and no worse the wear. The traffic was only moderate and the shoppers were sparse so I had no trouble going in, shopping, and getting the hell out again. The rest of our shopping had been completed days before and was already either under the tree or at their respective destinations. This took the majority of the stress out of the holiday season. Very cool.

I had to work on Christmas day so we celebrated on Christmas Eve. I slow cooked a beef brisket, made cornbread stuffing and baked asparagus wrapped in prosciutto for dinner. We then opened gifts and had a very relaxed evening. Again, very cool.

Doing some overtime shifts before New Years but I will actually have a 3-day weekend which includes New Years day. That can mean only one thing, college football. I will start my football feast on Dec 30 when the DAWGS of the University of Washington take on the Nebraska Corn Huskers (what a silly mascot) in the Holiday Bowl. Go DAWGS! WOOF! This feast will continue Friday and will conclude, for me at least, on Saturday, Jan 1, 2011 at which time I will spend approximately 12 hours on the couch in front of the TV.

I love this time of year!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Good to hear you will be able to spend some time doing what you truly enjoy. Be sure to catch the Mississippi State vs Michican game on Jan 1 in the Gator Bowl. 1:30 ET. Take care.............Joe