Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall is in the air

I left the cabin this morning at o-dark-thirty and was immediately greeted by rain. The kind of rain that is between a mist and a real rain. The sky was black, without a hint of either moon or stars. In the time it took me to walk to my truck my sweatshirt had accumulated hundreds of tiny shimmering droplets of water. Not enough to get me wet, just enough to let me know that summer was indeed at an end and Fall was near. The leaves on the alders are changing from green to yellow and the woods will soon be ablaze in color.

I really enjoy this time of year. It makes me think of family gatherings, bon-fires and hunting. I have not been on a deer hunt for a few years now but growing up we went hunting every year. I always knew the exact date of the opening day of deer season and looked forward to that almost as much as Christmas.

Thanksgiving is not too far away and I am looking forward to possibly smoking a turkey this year for the first time. I may even attempt to smoke my cornbread dressing. I have several dried New Mexico chile's on hand and I am thinking of incorporating them into the feast somehow. Maybe some red versus green enchiladas, I'll call them New Mexico Civil War Enchiladas. For those that are not aware, in New Mexico there is a constant war being staged as to which is better, the red chili or the green chili. Families have been divided over their differing opinions on this matter. Don't tell anyone, but I like them both.

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