Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Slip Sliding Away

Left the cabin this morning to find it was snowing lightly. A heavy wet snow that will chill you to the bones if you stay out in it too long or are not dressed properly. Definitely made our side road a slippery mess. The existing snow on the road had turned to a very wet slush on top and ice beneath. Made it difficult for traction, even in 4-wheel drive. Made it down our road, across the bridge (that started life as a flatbed railroad car) over Payton Creek and onto the main forest service road without incident. Took a sip of hot coffee. Still in 4-wheel drive I made it up the hill and under the arch that marks the entry/exit to Mt Index Riversites while all the time trying to deftly avoid the bomb craters that were once potholes. Only one more dicey spot to go, the downhill S-curve about 100 meters from the junction with HY-2. Started down the hill and got into the first turn before I was able to see the dark color 4-door sedan that had slid into the ditch on the east side of the roadway. No emergency blinkers to warn any oncoming traffic (that would be me). Just had time to try to look to see if anyone was huddled inside before I was past it and turning onto the highway. Roads remained nasty all the way down the mountains to Gold Bar where the snow turned to rain. Punched out of 4-wheel drive into 2-wheel drive. Time for another sip of hot coffee (thank you CJ) and the commute began.

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