Saturday, November 12, 2011


My sister Colleen and her husband Jay flew down from Anchorage 2 days ago.  They spent one night at the Dutch Cup Motel in Sultan.  The 3 of us then drove over Steven's Pass to the little community of Plain, WA where Colleen's longtime friend, Mary, has a house on the banks of the Wenatchee River.  There are actually 2 houses on the property, the main house called River House and the guest cottage called Beach House.  Colleen, Jay and I have not spent any quality time together in a very long time so I am relishing each and every moment we have together.  Both of the houses are right on the banks of the Wenatchee River which flows past in its perpetual quest to join Mother Ocean.  We awoke to a light dusting of snow covering the deck and the surrounding grassy yard.  The property is protected by sentinels of cedar, ponderosa pine, hemlock and spruce trees. 

I am still recovering from my prostate surgery so am very limited in what activities I can participate in but I am happy to stay here by the river while Colleen and Jay go on runs.  It gives me quiet time to think of all of the things I have to be thankful for.
We talked late into the night sharing stories, looking at old pictures and relating events that have taken place since last we got together.  Jay prepared a great meal of roast pork, root vegetables, broccoli and salad.  Delicious!

We'll be here till Sunday afternoon at which time we'll head back over a snowy Steven's Pass to Gold Bar.  They'll drop me off at the cabin and then will head to the airport for their 9pm flight back to Anchorage.  A whirlwind trip to be sure but I am extremely happy they both were able to make it down.           

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