Sunday, November 13, 2011

Winter has arrived

Colleen, Jay and I will take off from River House in Plain about noon today and head back across Stevens Pass to my little cabin on the South Fork of the Skykomish River.  It has snowed on the pass the past 2 days so the drive back could be interesting.  Colleen and Jay's rental vehicle is a new Ford SUV that is all-wheel-drive so as long as we take it slow and easy we should be fine.  Just goes to show you though that the winter of 2011 is here.
The weekend could not have been any better.  Yesterday we went for a drive around the valley and stopped in at a local joint for some wine tasting.  Never done that before as I am more of a whiskey man than a wine drinker.  However, it was fun and educational all the same.  Ended up buying 2 bottles to take home and share with the family.  We went on a couple of short walks in the woods and 1 short walk in the hamlet of Plain itself.  All good.  My strength is returning but I definitely have a long way to go before I can say I am 100 %.  When we got back to River House I had to go lay down and take a nap. 

We shared a lot of pictures and stories and just generally reconnected after a long period of not seeing each other.  We renewed our commitment to stay in touch via phone, e-mail and text messaging.

Looking forward to getting home and the next 3 days off before going back to work.  Not looking forward to that but I need to get back in the saddle and I think overall it is necessary to complete the healing process.       


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