Friday, March 7, 2008

911, What Are You Reporting?

"911, what are you reporting" says the 911 operator?
"I'm reporting an injured animal on the road" says the woman.
"Is the animal blocking traffic" asks the operator?
"Yes, please hurry, I'm afraid it will get hit by a car!" the caller says.
"What kind of animal is it ma'am" inquires the operator?
"It is a duck" says the woman.
"A duck" asks the operator?
"Yes, a duck" the woman confirms.
"What is the problem with the duck" asks the operator cautiously?
"It is having a seizure" said the woman.
"OK, ma am, the police do not handle wild fowl, I'm going to give you the phone number to an agency that may be able to help you.........." says the operator.

It is absolutely amazing what people call 911 for, absolutely amazing!

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