Thursday, March 13, 2008

Gun Control

Here we go again. The right for a citizen of the United States to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment is heading back to the supreme court. This time the plaintiff is suing for the right to bear arms which is nice. Yes, I am a one of those that believe gun control is being able to hit your target consistently. I own several guns, rifles and pistols, and have a concealed weapons permit allowing me to carry a concealed side arm. I do not take this responsibility lightly. I commute a long distance each day and live deep in the woods so I carry a hand gun mostly in case I hit a deer and need to put it out of its misery quickly. However, thanks to information provided by my local sheriff's department, I am aware that a lot of unsavory types live in the vicinity, some suspected of being involved in illegal drug activity. Therefore I carry my gun for my personal protection too. I am well versed in gun safety and have been handling guns of all types since I was 8 years old. I received a .22 caliber rifle for my 10th birthday and still have it. I have been hunting since I can remember and thoroughly enjoy it but have never taken killing anything lightly. I eat what I kill or I don't kill it.

I am no different than millions of other Americans that believe in the right to keep and bear arms. All of the gun owners I know are very aware of the risks and responsibilities of gun ownership and willingly accept both. I am sick to death of people who continue to blame guns for the death of people. I will loudly repeat "GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE". Stop trying to blame gun manufacturers and law abiding gun owners for the acts of violence committed by scumbags. Victims get stabbed to death in this country every day but no one blames the blade makers. Nor should they. It is the hand that wields the weapon that does the killing and that is where the responsibility should rest.

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