Thursday, March 13, 2008

911 What Are You Reporting?

Woman screaming "Help me, I am being stabbed, help me!"

Me with instant rush of adrenalin, "What is the address?"

More blood curdling screaming, "help me, help me!"

I go with the address on my computer screen.

Me "Who is stabbing you?"

Woman, now sobbing uncontrollably "It's a ghost, he won't stop stabbing me!"

Me after just a millisecond's pause, "A ghost?"

Woman, "Yes, he hurts me all the time."

Me, as I am changing my detail from a stabbing to a welfare check, "Help is on the way, an officer is driving to you as fast as he can."

Woman, still sobbing, "I don't know why he keeps picking on me? I'm a nice person."

Me, "I'm showing that the officer is there, go to your door and let him in."

As soon as she is talking to the officer I disconnect from the call. Later, I check the detail to see what happened, "The officer waved his arms and told the ghost to go away" which satisfied the woman's fears. He told her that if the ghost persisted to bother her she should contact the spirit police because they have jurisdiction in the other world.

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