Wednesday, March 5, 2008

B-Dub's view on the Presidential Candidates

It never ceases to amaze me how silly Americans can be in general, but spectacularly so when it comes to politics. Since humans first crawled out of the briny oceans it seems we have been willing to listen whomever talked the best line. Truth, integrity, honor and courage are attributes that have taken second place to the ability to orate. He who is the best orator it seems, must be the best person for political office. It does not seem to matter if there is any substance to what is being said, but rather, how it is said. The image of the stereotypical "Snake Oil" salesman comes to mind. Whether the product works is irrelevant, if the salesman has enough charisma and can talk a good line, the product will sell with great enthusiasm.

Bill Clinton is an example of this phenomenon in recent history. Give the man his due, he had great charisma and was an orator extraordinaire. I remember listening to him in the early debates. What applause and murmurs of approval he could generate from the masses, but what was he really saying? It seemed to me he said nothing specific or concrete. I was not alone in this view, several political analysts agreed and said so openly, but their insight fell on deaf ears. He wooed the citizens of this country all the way to the White House, TWICE! This in spite of the allegations of infidelities both in the Arkansas Governors residence (that were said to be set up by State Patrol officers) and in the White House itself. An absolute abuse of power and a warning signal that apparently was lost on the general public. Then there was the White Water scandal in which his wife and current (2008) presidential candidate Hillary were both implicated followed by the suicide of a close friend and adviser who was thought to have intimate knowledge of White Water. The Monica Lewinski scandal occurred not only in the White House, but in the Oval Office itself! Again, abuse of power and total disregard for what the Oval Office represents to America. And let us not forget the perjury charge for lying to Congress. Yet, he was somehow re-elected to a second term? Democrats will tell you to this day that he was a great president, I think a better description would be adulterer, liar and scam artist.

Now we are in the midst of the 2008 Presidential election race. Who do we have to choose from? On the democratic side there is Hillary Clinton versus Barack Obama. Hillary I have already touched on a bit, but there is more. Her husband let her loose to reform the medical industry and was abruptly brought up short by the AMA. She did not have a clue what the hell she was doing. In the Monica scandal Hillary's political ambitions evidently outweighed her own sense of right and wrong or was it that she just did not care. I do not understand how the women of this country let her off the hook on that one?

Then there is Obama. A one term senator who thinks he has the wisdom and experience to lead this country. I'm sorry, but he has neither. He is running on a platform of "change"? Electing him would be no change, it would be the same as the last democrat in the White House. He is touted as the first American of African descent to run for president but he is half black, half white. His black father left this mother and him when he was young and was not in the picture as he grew up. He was raised by his white mother in her white parents house in Hawaii. How black can he be?

I have an idea, how about if we change the way we have been doing things and actually elect the candidate that is most qualified, John McCain. He is by all accounts a man of honor, integrity and family values. He is known as a senator that can work with both sides of the aisle, and work effectively. Wow, work together, what a concept! He is a man who knows the pros and cons of the military intimately. He is a man who has a great deal of experience in both US and International politics.

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